
Monday, November 22, 2010

How to make your Keyloggers undetectable from antivirus

Nowadays Keyloggers are easy to but the main problem with them is that all the antivirus find them and don’t let them do the work.
But there is a way to avoid it, that is encrypting the Keylogger with encryption software with will spare it from detecting by most of anti viruses.
The Software that I have found is UD Crypter software: that you can download from

Step 1: Download the software

Step 2: Extract the Zip file to obtain FUD Crypter free software.

Step 3. Run Krypter.exe application on your computer system.

Step 4. Now, browse to the file (keylogger or any trojan) you wanna crypt to bypass antivirus detection and hit on "Encrypt".

Step 5. A new file will be created in same directory. Now, scan this file with your antivirus and it will not detect any virus (except Avira and Kaspersky).

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