
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to use cookie to get access to premium account

You need Mozilla firefox before you can do this cookie edit.

Step 1. Start firefox
Step 2. Go to Tools

Step 3. There go to Add-ons
[Image: 40011749.png]
Step 4. In Add-ons press Get Add-ons
[Image: 34644398.png]

Step 5. Search for "cookie"[Image: 77053296.png]

Step 6. Install the one named "Edit Cookies" and restart firefox
[Image: 80865331.png]

Step 7. Then go to filehost site you want to login as premium
[Image: 3570373.png]

Step 8. Login with non premium account. For example on megaupload you can use this Username: kenedaa Password: siavonen
[Image: 65003151.png]

Step 9. Go to tools again and select "Edit cookie" from bottom

[Image: 30351787.png]

Step 10. When you open it there is empty box put in there "megaupload" then press Filter/refresh button
[Image: 43102575.png]

Step 11. In there you should see cookie named "user" click on it and then click on button "edit"
[Image: 88457044.png]

Step 12. Then there should pop-up "add/edit cookie" window. Fill in there the content you have been given
[Image: 65832494.png]

Step 13. Then just Press "save". Close cookie editor

Step 14. Refresh the site and there it is premium account ^^

If it does not work for you just PM me or Comment ^^



  1. Good but not good enough. You completely misled the reader on this one. The first and most important piece of data they need is not the cookie editor plug-in but a stolen cookie from someone who has premium access. That is the value they would need to "replase" their own value with in step 12.

    I give you props for knowing how this is done, but the premise of the article is flawed. It should be titled something like, "How to use a stolen cookie value to masquerade as an authenticated user."

  2. oh thannks, actually this is just proof of concept;
